Japanese Yen to Estonian Kroon currency exchange rates
Convert Japanese Yen (JPY) to Estonian Kroon (EEK) with a conversion calculator
Japanese Yen |
Estonian Kroon |
Estonian Kroon |
Japanese Yen |
1 JPY |
0.094 EEK |
1 EEK |
10.6415 JPY |
2 JPY |
0.188 EEK |
2 EEK |
21.283 JPY |
5 JPY |
0.47 EEK |
5 EEK |
53.2075 JPY |
10 JPY |
0.94 EEK |
10 EEK |
106.415 JPY |
100 JPY |
9.4 EEK |
100 EEK |
1064.15 JPY |
1000 JPY |
94 EEK |
1000 EEK |
10641.5 JPY |
10000 JPY |
940 EEK |
10000 EEK |
106415 JPY |
Japanese Yen to Estonian Kroon History
Date |
Japanese Yen |
Estonian Kroon |
Saturday 02/11/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09397 EEK |
Friday 01/11/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09397 EEK |
Thursday 31/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09461 EEK |
Wednesday 30/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09405 EEK |
Tuesday 29/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09434 EEK |
Monday 28/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09443 EEK |
Sunday 27/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09475 EEK |
Saturday 26/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09514 EEK |
Friday 25/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09514 EEK |
Thursday 24/10/2024 |
1 JPY = |
0.09521 EEK |